There’s so much we can do onboard! Take a look below to see what we do on our adventurers, but remember we are always open to suggestions!

First and foremost we live aboard a sailboat and so the primary thing we do is sail. Sailing encompasses such a wide array of topics including navigation, meteorology, engineering, knots, sails and a whole lot in between. The more you want to know, the more we can teach you. As you’ll see in the roles onboard section, everyone take on a different role each day. This means all the crew gets to rotate and you’ll get a chance to do it all!

We love going ashore for an explore and a hike. It could be a short walk along the shore or trekking to a nearby mountain. It’s so special to arrive in an anchorage, drop the hook and go to the beach for a look around. One thing we want to try is dropping off part of the crew in a bay and giving them the task of meeting us somewhere else, so the other part of the crew moves the boats and meets up in the new anchorage.
Bushcraft is a great way to learn about the world around us. We are starting to learn more and more about bushcraft and, although we aren’t experts just yet, we love to take time to practice and try out new things. We like to take the dinghy ashore, light a fire, maybe build a shelter, practice some carving or making rudimentary tools from what we have around us or, if we’ve caught a fish, cooking the old fashioned way over the fire.

Swimming and Cold Dips
Given we are sailing around Ireland and Scotland, you can imagine that the water can be a wee bit chilly. We love to go for long swims when we can, but we also go for cold dips in the mornings or whenever the mood takes us, you definitely feel the better for it.
Arts & Crafts
As you’ll see, being creative is a big part of what we do and crafts can play a big role in that. If you have a hobby you want to bring along, please do! Gracie is keen on crochet and is always happy to teach. I have recently started to make knives which sometimes I try to do on the beach. But generally we just like being creative, whether that is writing, painting, making a sculpture on the beach, photography, whatever floats your boat! And we would love for people to take part in the Expedition Exhibition, see here for details.
Whenever we can we’ll put out a line to see if we can catch some fish. Catching a fish and eating it as fresh as it can be, knowing that it’s not been in a fish farm or processed somehow is a wonderful thing and the best way to eat in our opinion, so we try our best to catch and eat as much as possible.